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I currently have a zap for follow up boss (CRM) that when a new contact is created it automatically imports that lead to constant contact and works great.

However when I have a preexisting contact in Followup boss and I add or change the email in followup boss it does not update this or add this to constant contact. How do I resolve this?


Zap bot said this:

“To fix the issue with emails not syncing over to Constant Contact when updating existing contacts, you should modify your existing Zap. Follow these steps:

  1. Add a Find Contact Action: Search for the email address and select the option to create a new contact if none is found .
  2. Replace the Create Contact Action: Use the Update Contact action instead. This will allow the Zap to update the list the email belongs to whenever it has already been added to your account .

This approach ensures that existing contacts are updated rather than duplicated, resolving the syncing issue.”


When trying to change the trigger in zap for follow up boss I do not have an option for “Find Contact” action but I do see an “update contact” in constant contact action. Is this not an option for follow up boss? Do i need to create or modify my existing zap? Any work arounds you can think off? 

Hi @spraguevid 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Thanks Troy!

Hi there @spraguevid,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

You can use the “Find or Create Contact” for this. Here’s how your Zap setup is going to look like:

  1. Trigger: Follow Up Boss - New Contact
  2. Action: Constant Contact - Find or Create Contact
  3. Action: Constant Contact - Update Contact

Hopefully, this helps!


Thanks for the breakdown!

If I’m updating an existing contact will that still trigger the zap to update the contact even though it’s technically not a “new contact”?


For the trigger FUB - New Contact, that fires when a new contact is created in FUB.


@Troy Tessalone @ken.a 

Right…. My original problem is that when I update an existing contact and add a new email it does not go over to Constant Contact. It works fine for a new lead that is created with an email but if I create the lead and then go back to it after Constant Contact won’t receive the email that was assigned to that lead.

My thoughts were I needed a Zap that would trigger anytime information was added to a lead. However I don’t see that as an option in the Follow up boss triggers. In theory I’d imagine setting up FUB as “Client updated” then Constant contact “find contact” and “Update contact.”

What do you recommend here since FUB only gives me the option of:

-New Contact

-New Deal

-New Appointment

-Deal stage updated

-Person stage updated

-Tag added to contact


Try using: FUB - Tag Added to Contact

You can add the Tag to trigger the Zap, then remove the Tag.