Hi - New to Zapier.
I have used zapier for Jotform and Excel integration. All Jotform submissions are recording nicely into the excel spreadsheet. Each new one appearing on a separate row.
However, the Submission ID field is not integrating properly in the excel sheet .Originally it shows up in the field as 5.46872E+18. I’ve amended the formatting for that column to allow for numbers etc and then it shows majority of the Jotform submission ID however makes the last 4 digits as zeros, when there are actual numbers in the orginal jotform submission ID. For example, the Jotform ID may be 5468729065987856 and when it integrates into excel via zapier, the number is 5468729065980000.
I’ve tried amending the excel column to a number, general, text etc and even added a ‘ to the beginning and it doesn’t work.
There are only two ‘ID’ fields to choose from in Jotform to integrate into excel. One is ‘ID’ and the other is ‘Form ID’. I have tried both and the ‘ID’ field is the only one that at least has some of the correct numbers in it when it transfers over.
Can anyone suggest how to fix this??