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Task on Hold or disconnected.

I am pulling my hair out with this SERVICE!! It just keeps getting worse and worse.

I keep getting emailed Error messages that ZAP is Disconnected or ZAP is on hold.

This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @mbenatar

Let's try and help here! To make it easier to identify your issue, could you give us some screenshots of the errors you're seeing.

Userlevel 3

I am not getting the errors now. Every few days I receive an email notification like this. I have to go and reconnect and then a few days later get the same email message again

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Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 11.54.36 PM.png

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@mbenatar - very annoying!

This does happen from time to time and the reasons can be varied (between problem with Zapier or bug with connected service).

I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.

Sit tight, and someone will contact you soon.

Userlevel 3

Thank you. Much appreciated

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @mbenatar!

Since the issue here appears to be affecting all of your Zoom accounts, can you please tell us the following?

  • Do you have a single Zoom account that you've connected to Zapier multiple times, or do you own multiple Zoom accounts? If it's the former, you will need to delete all Zoom auths, except for one, and choose that single account in all of your Zaps utilizing Zoom.
  • Are those Zoom accounts paid accounts or free? Zoom only allows paid accounts to access their API, which is what their Zapier apps are powered off of.

Lastly, we wanted to make you aware that if you or someone else is sharing the Zoom account and created a connection on Zapier, it will invalidate the previous auth/connection. Each Zoom user/account is only allowed to have a single OAuth token meaning that the Zoom account can only be connected to Zapier once, across any and all Zapier accounts.

The team at Zoom is working on enabling support for a plural quantity of OAuth tokens per user. If you think this is the issue you're running into here, feel free to access the older, legacy Zoom app, here:

Let us know if any of these apply to you!

Userlevel 3

We have one paid Zoom account.

Userlevel 3

What is the former? Both your statements are former. As single Zoom account?

Userlevel 3

Also. How do I delete the account? Waiting all day to get an answer is just not working for us.

Userlevel 3

I don't know what to do. It say there's an error in step 3, when I click "edit here" its no errors. COME ON!!!!!!!!

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Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 9.51.16 AM.png

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi there, I'm sorry that you've had a frustrating time with this Zap!

With the Zoom accounts, what we're seeing is that if you either have more than one account, or if the Zoom account is connect to another Zapier account, then this can cause the account to keep disconnecting. We're working on a solution to that as we know that it's not a great situation for our users to be in.

You said that you have one Zoom account, do you know if anyone else is using it with Zapier?

Regarding the error message that you can see, if you've made a change to the Constant Contact step it might be that you have to re-test the step (or skip the test) in order to turn the Zap on.