
Take complete project from Asana to Basecamp 3

  • 25 March 2022
  • 2 replies

Hello Zapier-Community,

I am trying to automatically integrate a future Asana project into Basecamp3.

New Project in Asana → Create To-do list in Basecamp → Put tasks from the project as To-dos into Basecamp.

The Zaps for an existing project are no problem. It is working as intended.

I would however like to automate the process. I created a Zap that creates a To-do list in Basecamp as soon as there is a new project in Asana, but to trigger the tasks I would have to create a new Zap.

Is there a way to tell the zap to “take task of [newly created]-Project” and “put task into [newly created]-To-do list?

Thank you for taking time and reading my question!

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Horus 

Good question.


For the Zap trigger Asana New Task the Project field is required.


For Basecamp, try these Zap steps:

  • Find/Create To-do List
  • Create To-do (map the To-do List ID from the previous step)


@Troy Tessalone 

Thank you very much for the reply.

Since it requires the project for Asana new task, creating the Zaps before the project would be not an option.