Hi, I am stuck in trying to automate a sync from my Outlook contacts to 1 of my monday.com board. I will require to extract all Outlook contacts of over 1200 contacts and it’s relevant fields and sync it up to a monday.com board that I have. I also want it to be automated to run it everyday and getting newly added or updated or deleted contacts to be reflected on my Monday.com board every time this workflow runs.
As shown below is the workflow of my zaps currently:
Some issues I’m facing now:
- Unable to choose how many contacts to retrieve from Outlook. (Seemed to only get 5 most recently added contacts) - I am using the Beta AI feature because they do not have a feature to get all contacts.
Unable to change the column values of my monday.com board
- Example of my monday.com board below:
- Unable to create an item:
Not sure if the Item ID is supposed to be my monday.com ID or my Outlook ID, tried both but it still isn’t working: