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Hi Zapier community! Thanks for having a look at my thread.

I’m totally new so am reading / watching the guides though I thought it’d be a good idea to say hi here and to see how more experienced Zappers would set this flow up, so that I can hopefully avoid the mistakes I’d otherwise make while learning the system.

Below is a description of the flow I’d like to achieve, thanks in advance for your suggestions!


Potential customers receive real world leaflet advertising my business asking them to send a sms to a mobile number with the word "join", Zapier automates an sms back to them saying "thanks you will receive a sms every sunday with the weeks upcoming trips". SMS service: “textlocal”.


On Sunday I manually choose which kinds of trips will be run for the coming week. On the Zapier platform I update the bulk sms template and click the send button to send out the bulk sms to customers notifying them of which trips will be running on which days.


Customers reply by sms specifying which day/s they’re free to join a trip by using key phrases such as: "mon" "tue" "wed" etc as well as “yestran” if they want transport. This data is received by “text local” sms solution and Zapier organises the data into a google sheets file. Zapier also send an automated SMS saying “thank you for letting us know which day you’re free, we’ll get back to you in eight hours to let you know which trip you’ve been added to”.


After eight hours (to give time for the customers to respond) I then download the CSV file from google seets and upload the CSV file to Chat-GPT to organise the customers in a way so the greatest number of trips can run (given a minimum number of customers required for a trip to run and giving priority to those who want transport).


Chat-GPT then produces a new CSV file which I upload to the Zapier system, the Zapier system then sends out sms messages to each customer telling them which day / trip we have assigned them to.

Hi @devondt,


Welcome to the Community. It's great that you're taking the initiative to learn and seek advice from more experienced users.


Here are some suggestions for automating customer interactions and trip scheduling using Zapier, Textlocal, and Google Sheets. Potential customers join via SMS, receive weekly trip updates, and respond with their availability. Data from customer replies is stored in Google Sheets, and Chat-GPT optimizes trip assignments. Finally, automated messages inform customers of their assigned trips. Each step may require customization and testing for smooth operation. Best of luck with your setup!


Let us know if you need further assistance. Thank you. 
