I’m glad to see this new option, I can see how this functionality might really come in handy! I am running into an issue though, while setting up a few test sub-zaps.
I have one set up to look up and return data from a Google Sheet. When a column is empty , the sub-zap output/return value comes back as “missing sample data”. If I have a zap that uses the data from the sub-zap to update another system and the data isn’t available, I don’t want it to update that field in my system with “missing sample data” which is what it is doing so far in my tests.
I had considered using the Utility formatter table look up, but this doesn’t and won’t happen on just one specific data field, it can happen on several which would require a formatter step for each potential field that could possibly come back blank.
Is there a way that I’m not seeing to remove or change this response so that when the data is transferred it either has the relevant data (if it exists) or is blank (if it doesn’t)?