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Start Date & Time WooCoomerce with Google Calendar

  • 14 November 2020
  • 4 replies

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to connect Woocommerce with Google Calendar in order the New orders are schedule in our internar Calendar. My problem is when I try to set the Start Date & Time with de data of Woocommerce, it doesn’t find the info. 


Does anyone know how can i connect it according to de right info?


Thanks a lot!


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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Regardless of your settings in Google Calendar directly, their API only accepts dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.
So, if you try to pass April 7, 2018 as 07/04/2018, Google Calendar will interpret that as July 4, 2018.
You'll need to pass your data in MM/DD/YYYY format for Google Calendar to add the event to the correct date(s).
If your trigger is sending the data in DD/MM format, you can use a Formatter step to reformat the date.

Hi Troy,


thanks a lot for asking me. I’ve read the documentation, but my issue is that i can’t find the Data in the list in Zapier. As you can see in the image capture, it shows the values: date paid, date modified, … I need to know how to add the delivery date, I mean, the date that my client selects as delivery date. Do you know how can i do ti?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The desired data point may come thru as part of a nested array for a single data points.



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Have you tried searching for other key words when searching the returned fields in Woocommerce? Or if you know the date from the trial order you are looking at you can try searching for that exactly such as 11/20/20 instead of searching for the word “date”