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Squarespace isn't sending client emails to strip

  • 28 April 2020
  • 1 reply

Hey guys I am trying to do two things,

create a zap where STRIPE charges - create a new subscriber in Mailchimp

then when set value charges in stripe trigger - a new subscriber is created in Mailchimp with a tag added to them- Mailchimp then will send of the automation emails I have made within mailchimp.


The issue I have is that Squarespace is not sending the client email address to stripe so I can not do the zaps?

Has anyone else had this issue as I have read a few forums with similar issues and I am not sure what to do?

Hi @Bsweat,

It looks like you added a comment to this post on the Squarespace forum:

One of the commenters mentions that they remove the “Charge for” part from the description. You can do that using a Formatter step, with Extract Email Address.


You’d then map the output of your Formatter step to MailChimp:


Can you give that a shot to see if it works for you?