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Square Online orders only for trigger?

  • 3 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Is there a way that only Square Online orders can trigger a task? I have two physical locations in Square as well as square online. When setting up the zap, I can select one of the two physical locations, then the in store transactions (and probably online orders as well) are the trigger. 

Basically I want to buy a tree at ecologi with every website order, not in store purchases.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @aliciavr6! Thanks for reaching out! That’s an awesome question.

I’m not super familiar with Square but I’m wondering if it’s possible to setup a filter based on the platform used to purchase? While not identical to your workflow this is a very similar question with a few screenshots of what that would look like.

This was shared in one our Small Business user groups! If you’re not able to see the post, feel free to request to join, send me a DM, and we’ll get you access. 😊

I hope this helps!