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I have done data validation on Google forms response into checkboxes but when I enter this checkbox in Google doc template field, it is converted into the original unvalidated form. I have done some experimentation in formater but to no avail. So How do I enter checkbox from Google sheets into Google docs template field?

Hi @Nabeelan 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context, thanks.

Its simple Google forms/Google sheets to Google docs zap. I have validated responses of “I Agee” and “I Disagree” to checkbox ticked and unticked in Google sheets. When this data is pulled from Google sheets into my zap, it is original values of “I agree” or “I disagree”.



Try using a Formatter > Utilities > Lookup Table to translate the values:

I tried it but what should I put in the lookup table to convert it into a value that can check the checkbox. Using special character in the lookup table looks like a passable solution but not a perfect one


Hey @Nabeelan!

What are you trying to display in the Google Doc, depending on whether someone has agreed or not?

It might be helpful if we could see a screenshot of what you’d like the final Google Doc to look like. Thanks!

Thanks Nick for taking interest. Ideally it would be something like this.


Hey @Nabeelan  - Here’s one thing you might want to try! So I did a little digging and here’s what I came up with..


First, get the checkbox you want from special characters, and copy it 


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Then, go to your tools - preferences menu at the top of your Doc

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then finally, under substitutions, paste the checkbox and choose a word that you would like to Docs to automatically replace with those boxes. In this case, I chose I agree/I disagree since those are what are coming from your form. 

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From there…you wouldn’t need the table! Unless the words “I agree” or “I disagree” appear elsewhere and you don’t want those boxes, in which would need to update your lookup table to change those checkboxes into different words. Does that make sense?

Give that a try! Let me know if it works or you have any other questions! 

Thanks and much appreciated for your answer and detailed explanation 😀.