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I am trying to connect Zap with infobip SMS gateway. 

When setting triggers to receive SMS messages - I was wondering if a shared short code with keywords can be received by Zap with Infobip?

For example if I have a shared short code of : 63630 and have registered a keyword of LIB. So when I send an sms to 63630 with the text message LIB hello, will the trigger receive this message LIB hello?

I have done all the necessary settings and when I trigger a test I m not receiving any messages and cannot continue. Any thoughts?

Hi @yewjin, welcome to the Community!

I’ve taken a look at notes for the infobip integration and I can see that Keywords/short messages are received by the new SMS trigger. 

When you try to test the New SMS trigger, is it not finding any samples at all? Or are there none with messages? Have you tried sending a new message to the relevant number and then testing the Zap again?

I hope that helps, let us know if you have any questions!