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Slack --> Wordpress

  • 2 March 2020
  • 5 replies

I want to build a zap to

  1. Look in a Slack channel (or Whatsapp chat) for any message
  2. If the message contains a Youtube URL, grab the video title
  3. Cut the URL from the slack message
  4. Get the original slack (or whatsapp) message
  5. Use the title of the video URL in my wordpress post title
  6. Use the slack/whatsapp message in my wordpress post content
  7. Post as draft

Step 2 is where I'm stuck. I also suspect I'm having problems with Step 4. Maybe because the data was already in Step 1?

I'm unsure. Help!

Stretch goals:

Step 8 - use any hashtags as WP tags

Step 9 - use AI to auto pick some categories :)

If anyone at Zap is looking, here is my zap

Oh, also my original idea was to use Whatsapp instead of Slack, but I'm not bothered either way. I just need a super fast way to selectively share what I'm watching on Youtube and occasionally share some additional comments so that all my posts don't contain just youtube URLs

Hi @mayurdotca

So, you won't be able to watch Whatsapp messages I'm afraid.

As for extracting a URL, there is a "Formatter->Text->Extract URL" step built in to Zapier, however, this will only work if the Youtube URL is the first/only one to appear in a message.

Is that likely to be the case?

After an email thread from Zapier, turns out that getting a Youtube title from a URL isn't possible. Too bad. That would have been cool.

@mayurdotca Thanks for sharing the outcome with us, I'm sorry that it's not what you needed :(