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Hi Zapier Community,

I'm trying to create a single Zap that will catch all halted, errored, and held Zaps, but I've run into a limitation. From what I can see in Zap Manager, only the option to catch "errored" Zaps is available, as shown in the image I've attached.

Does anyone know if it's possible to build one Zap to capture all halted/errored/held Zaps, or if there's another approach I should consider? Any guidance or workarounds would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @kkip 

You may want to have a Zap triggered from this trigger: Zapier Manager - Zap Turned OFF

This can help catch issues with Zap app connections.


You can add Error Handlers to Zaps:

Thank you Troy. Is there a way to test this step of the zap? When I click “Find New Records” I get one generic record. See picture below.



You can use the dummy data to test OR you can configure the Zap and turn it ON then test live.

@Troy Tessalone Thanks again! The automation isn't running for some reason. I only selected the "Account" and left the "Folder" and "Zap" fields empty because I want to get notifications for any error that happens in Zapier. Could that be causing the issue?


If you have Autoreplay enabled for Zap Runs, then the Zap being triggered can be delayed until all the Autoreplay attempts for the Zap Run have been tried.


Resources for error notifications:

@Troy Tessalone Autoreplay is turned off

Hi @kkip 👋

The description of the Zap turned off trigger seems to suggest that the Zap will only trigger for Zaps that are owned by you. Are you on a teams plan by any chance? And if so, are the Zaps that were halted or turned off owned by you or someone else?

If the the Zap that should have triggered the Zap was owned by you then it could be that there’s a bug preventing it from triggering as expected. In which case I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team to get this investigated further. They’ll be able to dig into the logs for the Zap to better identify what might be preventing it from triggering. You can get in touch with them here:

Looking forward to hearing from you!
