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Slack multiple emoji reactions filtering

  • 13 October 2021
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone, 

Maybe it’s a stupid question but I really need help from you, professionals, in this :smile: . I’m working on a Zapier flow connected with Slack, it creates a Zoom meeting in a thread message when someone reacts to a message. Suddenly it wasn’t good idea to let everyone be able to start a flow because usually more people reacted to a message and they ran a flow more times so I have filtered it only for people from the particular department but sometimes what happens is they react to a message at the same time so it also runs a flow twice. Do you have any idea how to filter reactions so the flow will run only once per message even if there are more people reacted to it?
Thanks a lot and sorry for message longer than it was necessary :sweat_smile:

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @freshuh 

You’d have to keep a log of the triggered Zaps for a given Slack Message and check against that to determine if the Zap should continue.

If log exists, then STOP.

If log does NOT exist, then continue.


You can use a GSheet or an Airtable Base to log the data.




Add a Filter step to the Zap: