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Hi there,

I am trying to set up a zap where whenever an order in shopify is fulfilled, we autosend a follow-up email through gmail. I only want this message to be sent when the order has been fulfilled. As of now I’ve set it so that when the order status changes to closed, the email should be triggered (pictured in image 1. reasoning for this choice explained in next paragraph). The problem is I can’t figure out how to deselect triggers for “payment status” and “fulfillment status”. For example I don’t want this email to be sent when someone pays, it should only be sent once the order is fulfilled. Even when I don’t select a trigger for payment status and fulfillment status, it defaults to “any” as pictured. So last night for example it emailed people who’s orders were updated as “delivered” in shopify, but I don’t want that. Any advice here?

Follow up question, is there any way to customize these triggers or are they set by Shopify? The fulfillment status triggers are limited to shipped, partial, unshipped, or any. But in shopify, each order is noted as “unfulfilled”, until we fulfill the order and it is switched to “fulfilled”. I don’t want to use shipped, ideally it would trigger when this “fulfilled” status is changed. Or even the “delivered” status would be a good option, but I don’t have this option either. This is why for now I’ve chosen to used the order closed status as the trigger.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @Brooks 

Try adding a Filter as step 2 in your Zap:

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

Just wanted to follow up here as spotted that there’s a feature request open to add more options to the status fields on the Updated Order trigger. I’ve added @Brooks’ vote to that feature request and we’ll be in touch by email as soon as that’s been implemented.

In the meantime, it may be possible to select the Custom option instead and enter the desired fulfillment status: a194e25757de7d0976ab3e3986d0408d.png

Hey folks,

Just following up with a quick update to share that the team have decided not to pursue the feature request for now. If anything changes on that we’ll be sure to share a further update here.

At this time the recommendation is to use a Filter by Zapier action to only run your Zaps for multiple statuses. You can find out more about using filters here: Add conditions to Zaps with filters

If you run into any trouble, please start a new topic in the Community here, or contact our Support team directly, to let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️