
Shopify open order report to Monday (with updates)

  • 10 November 2022
  • 2 replies


Ultimately, I’m looking to automate a weekly report process I do in Shopify.


I think my first question is can I create a zap that runs on a timetable (Daily, weekly, monthly, etc), rather than based on an action in another app? I’m assuming not, so my more realistic question is below:


Currently, I go into Shopify to run an open order report, generally for the previous 7 days. I then export this to Excel (bc that’s the only option) and copy/paste it into Google Sheets (bc that’s what my org uses). From there, I use the data to highlight any overdue unfulfilled orders for our operations team. 


Overall, I would like to create a zap that pulls new orders as they are created from Shopify to Monday, but then also update the line item as the order is fulfilled. With this, I can set an automation within Monday that says once an item has a status of fulfilled, to move the item to another group/board. 


Additionally, a good percentage of our orders have multiple items on the order and having these items appear on their own separate line would obviously be ideal. The only way I can see to connect Shopify and Monday brings all items on an order into one column of the same row. 


I’m really coming up empty on a way to do this and am assuming I just want zaps to do more than they actually can in this sense. 


Anyone have any thoughts here?


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @erincott 

Good question.

Q: I think my first question is can I create a zap that runs on a timetable (Daily, weekly, monthly, etc), rather than based on an action in another app? I’m assuming not.

A: Check out the Schedule app:
But you prob won’t want to use this approach for your use case.


For 1+ Line Items in an Order...

Try using the Looping app to handle line items to get 1 Monday Board Item per 1 Shopify Order Item


You may need different Zaps setup to trigger on all the desired events from Shopify.

For example, new order VS updated Order.

You’ll also want to make sure to use the appropriate Filters in the Zap to only process Orders (new/updated) that meet the desired conditions.

Otherwise, you could end up using a lot of Tasks.

This is because there could be a lot of micro updates made to 1 Shopify Order (e.g. from other Shopify apps you are using).


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @erincott looks like Troy gave excellent options above! Is there anything else we can help you through or any other outstanding questions?