Hi @Nickmeister ,
Thanks for reaching out- so sorry you are running into this issue!
I see that you have been working with Lionel in Support on this and the task IDs may need to be adjusted. It looks like they responded to your ticket on Friday, 5/1- can you let me know if you did not receive it or if it’s hiding in your Spam folder?
Will be on the lookout for your reply so we can get you squared away!
Hi @Liz_Roberts,
thanks for the reply! :)
I couldnt find anything in my email folder, I just received the confirmation that you received my request.
Hi @Nickmeister I can see that you found the Support Team’s reply 
Sometimes our email will get caught by spam filters, or if you’re using Gmail they’ll be put in the ‘promotions’ folder. IF you think that you should’ve had an email from us but can’t see it, the best first step is to search the whole mailbox for emails from ‘@zapier.com’ .
Hi @Danvers I finally found the mail and the support replied to me :)
If anyone is having a similar issue...
The trouble here was that the Zap was trying to add a task in a section of Asana. You might think that that’s the only action you’d need to create a task and add it to the section, but the Add Task to Section of Project action will only add an existing task to a section of a project. So the step was failing because it was expecting to see the ID of an existing task, rather than creating a new one.
The solution for this is to use two actions:
- Action1: Create Task in Asana. Here, you can pass the task name as a combination of order number and list item name (similar to what you had tried to set up before). This step will create a new task in Asana and return a task ID. This task ID can be used in downstream steps.
- Action 2: Add Task to Section of Project. Here, instead of passing the task name (which is not the accepted format), you'll be passing the task ID from the previous step.