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Sharepoint as storage source

  • 17 March 2020
  • 9 replies

Hi, I am wondering why Zapier doesn’t see any files when Sharepoint as Storage Source is picked. One Drive works perfectly.


Hi there! Do you think you could share a few more details about what you’re trying to do and where you’re running into trouble so that we’ll be better able to help. 


What trigger/action are you using? And where are you expecting to see the files that you aren’t seeing right now?

@Danvers thank you for your reply. Let me describe the problem thoroughly:

What I am trying to do is sending acquired leads to a MS Excel file - action: New Row. As Storage Source I am setting Sharepoint. Then the only folder listed is root and no spreadsheet could be found.

(Which is not the case with OneDrive - this source works)


It turned out to be the case of default Sharepoint site - problem solved, thank you!

Thanks for letting us know @Zappin!

@Zappin I am having the same issue. May you please explain a bit more what you mean by “t turned out to be the case of default Sharepoint site”  Thank you :)

@Nord  it simply turned out the site I was trying to connect was in fact a custom one, not the default. It was quite confusing considering the company’s Sharepoint structure.



I have the same issue.

When creating a Zap, I can see all  my OneNotes that are in my Onedrive, but I can’t see the one in Sharepoint. 

How do you solve that ?


Thanks for your help.

@Zappin i am running into the same issue and haven’t been able to figure it out.  I am still getting up to speed on both Zapier and share point.  Can you provide more info on how you fixed this?  Is it a share point thing or a Zapier thing?  Any guidance would be much appreciated.



Hi @Gms199 @davgrenoble,

I think @Zappin was referring to this:


Specifically, the part that says “Other custom Sharepoint sites are currently not supported.” @Zappin would be able to confirm, but that’s what I suspect.