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Setting Up An Auto-Populating Google Sheet!

  • 4 March 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi Everyone!

It's my first day working with this program, so please forgive me if I get any of the terminology wrong!

We're trying to auto populate a google sheet with customer contact information from our CRM, Job Nimbus (JN). But the way we had to set things up in Job Nimbus is making this a bit more difficult than I expected.

In JN we set up each new lead as a customer AND as a job, for various reasons. When I go to auto populate a customer list we will need to pull data from both the job, and the customer.

Currently I have set up two individual zaps which import applicable data to the same google sheet. They both add data for jobs and customers, when information is added, and also when it is modified. However, each time it is modified, it gets added to brand new row. Also, job info and customer info are also imported on separate rows.

What is the most efficient way to link these - so that customer data, job data, and updates are all adding to the same line for each individual clinet?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Tiana_Cooper, thanks for posting on our community! Happy to help you today.

First, have you taken a look at our help docs about using Google Sheets here?

If I understand your inquiry, it sounds like you're looking to keep records of your customer information by keeping it together in a single row, but in different columns. When I was learning about how to use Google Sheets, this particular section in our help docs was immensely helpful: - Could you take a look to see if you can follow the steps to try on your own?

Let us know how you did. Thank you!