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Setting a Zap between PayPal to Gmail: How do I filter by the payment amount?

  • 16 April 2022
  • 6 replies

I am trying to set up a zap between paypal and gmail. I want to filter it by the price that is paid by the buyer. (thats how I know what the buyer purchased)  how do i set that up?  there are filter options for "mc gross"   what in the world is "mc gross"? is that the payment amount??  what is Mc - anything? they have a bunch of “MC-things” listed in filters… ?????

Hi @patti 

Good question.

Providing screenshots with the data you are referencing is helpful for us to have context.

Might be best to do a sample transaction where you know the value you want to filter on, then find that matching value in the data returned from the PayPal Zap trigger.


thanks, thats a good suggestion.  I wish zapier had a definition of their filter terminology means.  MC = what does mc mean? a Mastercharge payment? Does Gross payment mean the payment BEFORE paypal transaction fee?  I don’t know why they don’t explain this better...


Providing screenshots with the data you are referencing is helpful for us to have context.


FYI: Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves, rather than by Zapier.

Ideally, the apps used in Zaps should have those variables defined somewhere, possibly in their API documentation.

You may want to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance:

thanks, I did several days ago… i have received a reply from a bot


In case anyone wants to know, here is the answer to the question:  these “prefixes” are called paypal “variables”

@patti thank you so much for circling back on this thread and sharing that with us! 🙂