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I have a date that i have used formatter to format in the way i need it.

I want to use Zapier to pull this date to then generate the final day of the month. Any formula i have tried is not supported in Zapier. Does anyone have a good solution for this? 


Replacing A1 with my formatted date. 


I have tried:

  1. =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,0)
  2. =DATE(VALUE(TEXT(A1,"yyyy")),VALUE(TEXT(A1,"mm"))+1,0)
  3. =DATE(INT(A1),INT((A1-INT(A1))*12)+1,0)
  4. =DATE(INT(YEAR(A1)), INT(MONTH(A1)) + 1, 0
  5. =DATE(VALUE(LEFT(A1,4)),VALUE(MID(A1,6,2))+1,0)
  6. =DATE(INT(A1), MONTH(A1) + 1, 0)
  7. =DATE(VALUE(TRIM(LEFT(A1,4))), VALUE(TRIM(MID(A1,6,2))) + 1, 0)
  8. =EOMONTH(A1,0)

Any formula i try comes up with an error message, not supported. 

Hi @FredHacking 

Good question.

It will probably be easier to use a Code step to calculate the desired data:

There is AI to help configure the code.

Or you can ask ChatGPT for the code.