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I get a report weekly that shows every estimate they submit in the week. These estimates need to be coded in three fields for each estimate, so we send them a report of their activity every week (Column header is name so rows populate their name for every estimate. Coded fields are listed to the right of their name for each unique estimate)

I want to create a zap that will email their portion of report to them directly in a singular email. Preferably, the email will have the estimates data and coded fields pasted in the email as text table since it is usually only a table that is about 5x5 cells. How would i create the zap to read only their name and send the email to the email address linked to their listed name in the report, as well as past only the cells that contain the data in the rows with their name?

Hi @Evan's Zaps 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how the report looks in it’s originally received format.


What app is used for the report? (e.g. GSheets)

What app will be used to send the email? (e.g. Gmail)


NOTE: The email would have to be sent in HTML format to use tables.