I was reading this article found here: https://zapier.com/learn/how-to/graph-gmail-unread-count/
One area that stuck was how Storage by Zapier could be used with Schedule by Zapier and send out a daily count of for example emails, and it resests each day and starts the count over.
With this info my goal is to monitor my Googlesheet as emails come in for the day, and at the end of the day send an email or text that will show the number of emails that came for the day. And have this notifcation system repeat daily, counting up each day’s amount of emails and sending it out at the end of the day, and then resets to start again.
The article discussed lightly how this could be done with Storage and Schedule, but I’m not sure how to set it up exactly, still messing with it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.