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I am creating a new google doc from a template.


One of my variables, {{adv_url}}, is sometimes populated (from an earlier step) as a full URL (i.e. “”) and sometimes it’s populated with just a single whitespace character (“ “). I’m storing this variable in google sheets, and I can confirm that google sheets is reading it as a 1-char long string rather than blank.


But, when I send this whitespace character to google docs, the template does not replace {{adv_url}} with the whitespace. Even if I append a whitespace character to the variable field in the “set up” part of the Zap, a string that only contains whitespaces still shows up in the produced gdoc as {{adv_url}} rather than its new value.


I think this is something I need to figure out with gdoc templates, not with Zapier, but I’m not sure what the solution is.


Hi @Cassie 

Try adjusting this setting in the Zap:


I set it to “remove” and that fixed it!! Thank you so much.