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Another question :grin:

I created a zap with Paypal and Sendinblue, I created on my Sendinblue a “thank you mail” after someone buy a product, but I don’t see any option to implement my mail to the zap, the only option I can see is send transactional mail or add or update a contact.

have you any experience to send an automation via zapier after someone pay via Paypal?

Hi @Fede85 

Can you clarify what other option you’re looking for from Sendinblue?


Sendinblue has an API:

App APIs can be used in Zap steps with the Webhooks app:



Just wanted to follow up here as spotted that there’s an existing feature request open with the Sendinblue integration to allow templates to be selected with the Send Transaction Email action. This would allow for the “thank you mail” template that was created to be selected and emailed to the user.

I’ve added @Fede85’s vote for that feature request. We don’t have an ETA on when it might be possible to select templates in the Sendinblue integration but we’ll notify by email as soon as it is.

In the meantime, the Send Transaction Email action can be used to send out the email but you’d need to add the relevant HTML code from the template in order to send a transactional email to the user that looks the same as the Sendinblue template version that was created.