I am using Systeme.io for collecting email adresses of my clients.
I would like to send to some of them every wednesday the same email through systeme.io.
I tried to use the trigger in Zapier to schedule every week an event (“Schedule by Zapier”), but the action following (register contacts to a campaign in systeme.io) cannot be done as the trigger does not contain the email addresses to which the email needs to be sent.
I do not manage to bypass this isue. Does anyone have an idea how I could send the same email every week with Zapier ?
I also tried to do this in 2 steps :
- Step 1 : Update a google sheets with the list of email addresses to which I want to send the email
- Step 2 : for these email adresses, send every wednesday the same email
Unfortunately I am reaching the same issue, which is that the trigger (schedule every wednesday) does not contain the email address. I have the feeling I am missing something.