I need to send this EXACT email plain text. Zapier is stripping the tags and sending HTML.
<requestdate>07-30-2024 09:28 AM</requestdate>
<model>Trophy 205</model>
<odometer status="replaced">0</odometer>
<name part="first">BRP</name>
<name part="last">Testlead</name>
<phone>(512) 686-3055</phone>
<vendorname>Blackbeard Marine</vendorname>
<name part="full">Blackbeard Marine</name>
<comments>Preferred Location:Grand Lake - Afton, OKMessage: Per phone call. This is a Test lead for BRP Smart Solutions. This is a necessary step to lock in your BRP points. Please forward this email to josh.massey@rollick.ioUnit Website:https://blackbeardmarine.net/listings/new-2023-alumacraft-trophy-205-afton-ok-ac595d323/Uesr Journey:</comments>