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I want to create a Discord Gmail integration that sends the reaction to user when they react on message in discord , I tried out creating a zap with discord , setting up trigger to be on reaction , then capturing their email from discord and send a mail to that email using Gmail, 
but I seems like I am not able to capture their email with this flow , and cant move on to the gmail step , 
is there any way I can get the user email ? 

EdIt (spell) : integration 

Hi @akar5h 

You should be able to get the email using an additional “Find User” action step: 

Just pass the username to this step and it should give you the email of that user. If it doesn’t work, you can use “Webhook by zapier” to make API call to discord endpoint and that surely will give you the email.

Thanks for the quick reply , I was already trying from FInd User but it did not return email as output, I am trying with zapier webhooks : as Webhook , action = get . 
Query String Params : {user_id}

But I get a  The app returned "404: Not Found". error.  So do i need to provide authentication / token ids , or set header as something . 
Or am I using the webhooks in some wrong way  ?