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Hi all,


I’m fairly new to creating zaps, have a couple working but I’m having trouble with a simple one I need to set up.


I am trying to watch a specific folder on Google Drive, but once I’ve chosen my account and the Shared Drive, I can’t figure out how to navigate to the folder I want. 


Any help would be much appreciated.




Please reference the instructions underneath the folder field which indicate:

Destination folder to move into. Keep clicking to drill down into child folders.

Why can't I see my desired folder in the dropdown menu?

Google Drive requires you to be the owner of a given folder in order for you to be able to interact with this folder in Zapier, such as by uploading a file to the folder or triggering on a new file added to that folder.

@msprop You can use the Google Drive Trigger: New file in Folder.  If you don’t see the folder in folder dropdown, click Load More at the bottom of the list.  Continue to click Load More until your folder appears.

@msprop if loading more doesn’t bring up your folder, perhaps it’s a sub folder. If so, first select your root folder, then click the selector again and you’ll be able to select a sub folder within the root folder. If you need a sub folder of that sub folder then tap the selector again. Keep doing that until you navigate to the correct folder. If you make a mistake you can reset and start over. 

Thanks guys, I didn't understand I had to keep clicking out of and back into the dropdown!


All sorted, thanks