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Hoping someone might be able to help me. 

I am trying to set up an email automation between Mailchimp and Scoreapp, the trigger being the completion of the scorecard. I am unable to complete the trigger because the Scoreapp drop down menu has no value options and no option to not include a value, it also doesn’t allow a custom value. 

I couldn’t find anything already about it on the forum and this is my first time using Zap.
Help a gal out?




Hi @Meg 

It looks like you need to have a scorecard already set up in ScoreApp. Do you?

Hi @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu

I sure do!


I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.

Sit tight, and someone will contact you soon.

Hi @Meg!

I tested this out with our own ScoreApp account and I’m able to pull in the scorecard:

I’m not really familiar with this app, but I do see that our scorecard is marked as live. Is yours live or still a draft? I created a second one and left it in Draft Mode and that one doesn’t appear in the Zap editor.

I do see that you’re able to put it back into draft mode from the general settings page for the scorecard, so you could make it live in order to test the Zap then make it a draft again:

Can you give that a shot to see if it works for you?

Thanks so much for your help @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu 


Hi @nicksimard

Thanks for checking this out for me. Our scorecard is published and some people have already used it.

The Value field is still coming up with no options. 

This is what our value field looks like when I go to find the scorecard. Could it be an issue if people have already used it?



@Meg Thanks for giving that a try! I just checked again and I see both of our scorecards, including the one in draft mode. Not sure why it didn’t appear before, but it’s there now.

Your best bet here might be to keep messaging with our Support team, since there very well might be a bug of some sort. One other thing you can try is to reconnect your ScoreApp account to see if that makes a difference at all. 

You could also see if the ScoreApp team can provide the ID for your scorecard so you could use the Custom option here:

I was able to type in the ID of my scorecard and pull in some sample data. That would be a workaround for the time-being, at least. Lots of apps show the ID of an object in the URL or you can inspect the source code in the app to find it, but I see no such option with ScoreApp so they’d be the only ones to provide that to you.

Hope that helps!

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?