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Scheduled Report from Google Sheets to Slack

  • 16 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Apologies I am posting this again due to the old post being closed for inactivity.

I am trying to find a way to post a snapshot of an active google sheet (it gets updated/rewritten every 15 minutes) to a Slack message.


To be more specific I have a data set with headers and I just want to create a list of data from 2 columns and an undetermined amount of rows and have it displayed in a slack post for example:

H1 H2
R1 R1-Detail
R2 R2-Detail
R3 R3-Detail


Slack outpost:
R1 R1-Detail
R2 R2-Detail
R3 R3-Detail

I have tried digest but it replicates/duplicates data when I only want a snapshot at the specific time. Any other ideas?  Possibly something with loops but how do I get the data fields when the trigger is a schedule?

This post has been closed for comments. Please create a new post if you need help or have a question about this topic.

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hey @OoniRick , You should use some AI tools like ChatGPT or Mindstudio that can help you easily create reports like this. To create reports with undetermined rows, Zapier might not be a good platform for this. You will have to use an additional app to build reports.



Userlevel 1

Hi @jayeshkumarbhatia I am using the term report in the loosest form. I am really just wanting to print the contents of the 2 columns, but rather on a create trigger which would of made this easy using the Schedule trigger. I’d argue AI is overkill

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hey @OoniRick , 


Oh Ok Wait. I miss read. 


You can use Code by Zapier to format the data the way you have mentioned below Slack outpost. Thats thy only way which i can think off. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Hi @OoniRick Yes I would do 

  1. Schedule trigger 
  2. Action - Gsheet Get spreadsheet rows 
  3. Code by Zapier - use javascript to contruct the info like how you structured above 
  4. Send via slack message

Ping me if you are stuck on any parts!

Userlevel 1

Ohh that is an interesting approach, so I would just lookup the sheet to get the data and then use a Code zap to transform.
I am going to do my duty of saying the way I figured it out/fixed it.

  • Schedule
  • Lookup sheet rows (Created a column with identical data to force all rows to appear)
  • Loop
  • Digest
  • Filter (to get out of loop I look for the last loop boolean)
  • Digest recall
  • Slack message
Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks so much for sharing details of how you solved things here @OoniRick - the Community here greatly appreciates it! 🤗

And a big thank you to @fiona819 and @jayeshkumarbhatia for helping out on this! 🙌

Sounds like you’re all good for now, but if anything changes on that please do let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! 😁⚡