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Schedule By Zapier Implementation

  • 30 November 2020
  • 4 replies


Does anyone have an idea how Schedule By Zapier app might work behind the scenes?

Is it just the normal trigger running every few minutes according to your plan and then checking some conditions in JS code for current time etc, just like we develop new custom app on Zapier App Platform?

Or Zapier schedules it to run on the exact time that we specify only once and not every few minutes and do condition checks?

Really appreciate inside details😀

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Schedule by Zapier essentially runs on a CRON job:

You specify whether it runs Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly along with some other settings such as the time it runs.

Check the help documentation:

@Troy Tessalone 

Aren’t all normal triggers CRONs in Zapier?

But each trigger is implemented in apps using one way or the other. For example, if you build custom app on Zapier, we write JS code to ensure proper functioning(pre and post validations) of the trigger if needed.

Also, these triggers run every 2, 5, 15 mins as per user’s plan.


What I am asking is this:

Are triggers from Schdule by Zapier app run the same way i.e. they run every 2, 5, 15 mins and check the condition in js/python code and execute if the time has come or directly scheduled CRONs to only run on their scheduled times and not as per user plans.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Note: Because tasks queue, it is not guaranteed that the zap will run precisely to the minute. They should run within a few minutes of what you schedule.

There is NO mention of there being a delay related to the Zapier plan for the Schedule by Zapier app.

Zap Triggers are either webhooks (instant) or GET requests that run on a CRON.



I contacted Zapier via email and they confirmed that schedule triggers are subscription triggers.