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Saving Twitter Threads?

  • 4 June 2022
  • 5 replies

Version 2 of the Twitter API is out for the general public - is there a timeline for Zapier to integrate the new API which would allow us (among other things) to save entire threads?

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @frankf 

Good question.

Zapier generally doesn’t release timelines for updates.

You can submit feature request via a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged:


FYI: Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves, but I believe Zapier owns the Twitter Zap app.

Thanks for the quick answer, @Troy Tessalone .


I am hoping to try and use Zapier to save entire twitter threads based on a trigger - such as my liking the first tweet of the thread or if I create a twitterbot I can forward the tweet to.  Currently there is a new twitterbot service (SaveToNotion) that is able to do this but the price is high and I would rather pay Zapier with it’s many other integrations than pay that much for a one-trick pony.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The Twitter Zap only has the available actions:


Thanks.  Those are the actions.  I am pushing for the V2 API and using Twitter triggers to copy entire twitter threads to some other platform.  In my case, I’m interested in zapping it to notion. V1 of the API didn’t (easily) support threading, but now that V2 is out….

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hey @frankf! I took a look at things on our end and we are using the V2 API so that’s definitely a feature request that we can look into. For this one, you’ll need to get in touch with the Support Team (as Troy suggested), using the Get Help form