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I am trying to save all the (image) attachments from an email onto onedrive, with a file name or folder name related to the subject line of the email. My mail client in outlook.

Method one - using the trigger on “new email”.  This saves all the images into a single zip.  I can name the zip appropriately, but I don't want a zip I need individual files.   I've tried to use “Zip Archive” to unzip, but this returns weblinks to the individual files and I have not worked out how to upload the actual files to onedrive.

Method Two - using the trigger “new attachment” for outlook - this works great, but I have not found a way to access the subject line of the email in which the attachment arrives.

Both methods are leaving me a distance away from my goal.

All suggestions and help welcome.


Hi @AndyBartlett1 

Use this Zap trigger: Outlook - New Attachment

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing the data points returned from the Outlook Zap step 1 trigger.



Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks. As mentioned in my questions, one method I have been trying is this “Outlook - New Attachment” trigger.

My problem with using this is that I have not found a way to give the file a name that references the email that it came from, ideally the subject.

Am I missing something obvious?  Kind of hope I am!

Many thanks



I was able to replicate what you are seeing that the Email Subject is not provided, which is surprising and not ideal.

I’d recommend opening a ticket with Zapier Support about this:


In the meantime, there are other Zap apps that can be used to unzip files.


The you can use the Looping Zap app to iterate thru each file: