
Salesforce: OwnerID to Owner name

  • 2 June 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi all, 

I’ve created a Zap that is sending a Slack notif when a new demo is booked based on a Salesforce Event. As soon as one of my Sales team member books a demo, he has to create an Event with a subject name starting with Demo …. In my Slack notification, I’d like to receive the name of the event (no problem with that), the account linked to the event, the description (no problem with that) the date and time & the owner assigned. Unfortunately, I only can get the date & time in the salesforce date&time stamp format and the owner ID. 

Is there a way to transform those data into the data format I want to receive ? 

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Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @FlorianGanster!


For this, you’re going to need to add a couple of steps before the Slack step. 


For the time, you can use the Formatter app to convert the timestamp into a ‘prettier’ format, you’ll  If you’ve not used Formatter for this, here’s a guide to help: Modify date formats using Formatter


For the owner ID, you’ll need to add a step to look up the Salesforce user using the Owner ID. To do that, add a Salesforce Find Record step. For the Object choose ‘User’ and for the Field to search by, choose ‘User ID’. In the Search value, add the Owner ID. 



That should give you the details of the User for that Owner ID (including their name).


Let me know if that helps!