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Salesforce -> Google Sheets : Specific Case objects to create new lines in Google Sheets

  • 29 August 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi, I’m trying to create a workflow where whenever a specific case is made, a sheet in Google Sheets is updated.

While the basic workflow is simple enough, I can’t seem to figure out how to specify the case category.

In SF, you can create sub-categories within cases. For this example, the category is maintenance in a specific market. So, “LA-Maintenance.” (I’m having issues uploading screenshots to this post, so I apologize)

When I create the basic workflow, I can only specify “Cases” as a broad object. Can I refine it further so that only Cases that are made in “LA-Maintenance” are pushed to sheets?


Hi @AlexRR 

Good question.

Try adding a Filter step to your Zap:

@Troy Tessalone that did the trick, thank you for being patient to this newbie!