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Salesforce App APIs - Classic vs Lightning

  • 24 October 2020
  • 1 reply

Fellow Zapiers,

Looking for confirmation that the Salesforce app integration uses the Salesforce Classic APIs, not the newer Salesforce Lightning APIs.


Thru testing, I’ve confirmed the Salesforce app action to “Create Attachment” uses the Salesforce Classic APIs, because attachments don’t appear in the Salesforce Lightning view for an Object, but does appear in the Salesforce Classic view for an Object if using the proper Layout sections.

Same is true, if using “Create Record” to for the “Attachment” Object or “Note” Object.

Also, “File” is NOT available as an Object to select when using the “Create Record” action.


Any thoughts on how to address this without using the Salesforce Lightning APIs?

Any insights on if/when the Salesforce app integration will be updated to use the Salesforce Lightning APIs?

Does Zapier maintain the Salesforce integration or does Salesforce?

(BONUS: Is there a way to tell which apps integrations are maintained by Zapier?)


Salesforce Lightning Platform REST API:



Anyone got tips for this? Thanks in advance!



