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I’m trying to integrate a csv from amazon S3 with a google sheet.

The zap:

When the S3 file updates,find or create a row in a specified google sheet.


I created an “Index” column in both the google sheet and the S3 csv file, but when I want to specify the “lookup value” in the S3 file (named Index as well), the zap doesn’t actually open the csv, but only allows to specify things like  Name / File / File name / Metadata.

Naturally, if the zap doesn’t know it needs to look for the Index column in the S3 csv, it won’t be able to update the values correctly.

This should be pretty straightforward, what am I missing?





Hi there @Ohad - Thanks for writing in to us today. So that I’m clear, are you looking for a row or a column? Right now, the Zaps we have are to find or create a row, not column. We do have a feature request for columns to be found and updated via Zap Action. If you’d like, I could add you onto this feature request so that you may be informed if we have this feature to be released in the future. Let me know!

Hi @steph.n 
Thank you for you reply!
I’d be happy if you could add me to that :)


However, for this specific use case I’m looking for a row update.

Existing google sheet
Existing csv in S3 bucket

Trigger: Updated csv → Do: Update rows in gsheet according to an existing lookup value in both csv and gsheet (index row number - 1,2,3….) .

I had difficulties telling the zap to use 1 specific existing column in the csv for a lookup (as if the zap can view the file metadata and allow me to view the columns) with the gsheet.

Hi @Ohad! Thanks for the clarification on that one 🙂


It’s not possible to get the contents of a file in Amazon S3 using the updated file trigger, I’m sorry about that! We do have a feature request open for the ability to do that, but it’s not currently possible to do with the Amazon S3 API, so it’s not something that we can do right now. I’ve added you to the feature request for that so if things change in the future and we are able to add that option, we’ll let you know!


I’ve also added you to the Google Sheets feature request that @steph.n mentioned 🙂