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Ringcentral - main number, not a user number

  • 9 December 2020
  • 13 replies

When I authenticate with Ringcentral, I need it to see the main company number, the main line,  not my user line. I am a super admin, but Zapier keeps seeing my personal extension. 

How can I integrate our main company number in Zapier from Ringcentral?

What RingCentral Zap trigger/action are you using?

Perhaps provide screenshots to help clarify.

I am the admin on our ringcentral account, and we have about 40 users each having their own extension and numbers. All users are assigned direct numbers, all users are assigned extensions. 


When I login, it only shows me texts sent to my personal direct number, not the company number. See the screen shot below. The field “fromPhoneNumber” is showing my personal direct number, not the main company number. Thus, this zap is only seeing texts sent directly to me (on my personal phone number) not texts sent to the main company number. 

Ok, you are using the RingCentral New SMS trigger.

Noticed the direction of the SMS was OUTBOUND, which explains why the FromPhoneNumber is your personal phone number.

Are you only looking for INBOUND SMS?

I can see outbound and inbound, but that isn't the problem. I need to see inbound messages sent to our main office number - not my personal direct number. 



Try adding a Filter step to the Zap:

Filter for Direction=Inbound and To=OFFICE Phone Number


Also when configuring the Zap, you can choose different samples records.


Unfortunately, I’m only seeing the records for my direct line, not the main line, not our other 30 lines. 

That’s the problem - only my line is showing up. 

Only the most recent few records will appear for configuring the Zap.

You can try sending a new SMS to your Office Phone Number, then try to pull thru that most recent example to configure your Zap.

Otherwise, try configuring the Zap and then turning the Zap ON and monitoring it to make sure it’s triggering and only the desired SMS are passing the Filter in Step 2 of the Zap.

So is the trigger supposed to show all messages in our entire ringcentral account, or only those for my specific user?


Not all recordings, calls, SMSs, or voicemails are triggering my zap

The RingCentral API will only send back the recordings, calls, SMSs, voicemails, etc. for the logged in user.
If you need to get recordings for other users, you'll need to connect their RingCentral accounts to Zapier and set up a zap for each one.
Once you have one zap set up, you can copy it (you can do so by clicking on the down arrow on the right side of the zap from your dashboard and selecting "copy") and then swap out the connected account in the trigger.

Yes - that’s the problem. The main number isn't attached to any single user’s account. So it looks like I can tap any single user - but not our main business number. 

Probably best to direct this question to Zapier Support or RingCentral Support.

Zapier Support:

RingCentral Support:

Hi there @ocwayne - circling back on this to see if you were able to get this configuration sorted!

No- still not working. No help from support at RingCentral.