I think that you might be able to do this if you set up a second worksheet in the Sheet that’s collecting the form response. You’ll need to switch the trigger of the Zap from Google Forms to Google Sheets - you can use this as a trigger if you want to add information to the sheet that’s beyond what the form gives you.
In the second worksheet, for any required questions you’ll need to directly reference the cell from the other sheet. For any where there is an optional question, you need an If formula - in Google sheets that looks like this: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
In this case, you’d want to set that something like this: =IF(A2=””, “Default”, A2)
, which is saying if cell A2 is blank, then use the word ‘default’ and if it’s not, then use whatever is in A2.
The one caveat here is that Google Sheets triggers can sometimes be picky when it comes to formula, so I’d advise doing a quick test before you change everything. From what I know of formulas and Google Sheets, this one should work but I haven’t tried that personally, so a test would be a good idea 
Hi @jg97 - are you able to give and update on this? Did using a second sheet with formula work? Thanks!
Hi @Danvers - apologies I thought I replied to this. Yes the second sheet worked :)