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Retrieve Xero Quote URL field from New Quote created trigger

  • 5 July 2021
  • 4 replies


Is it possible to get the Xero Quote URL when a new quote is created?

I’ve run a quick test and the Quote URL isnt something on the data received by Zapier for the Xero trigger “New Quote Created”



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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @Edward882.


Firstly, open up a quote in your Xero dashboard, copy the Quote URL, it should look something like this:

Just add the Quote ID, that you get after creating an invoice in Zapier, at the end of the URL and you’ll have your quote URL.

Hi Rob, 

Apologies, i should’ve been more clear.

The URL you’ve mentioned looks to be the administrative URL for the quote on our dashboard. So not something to provide to clients. 

The URL i’m looking to extract/use in Zapier is the client facing Quote URL. The one that appears to them when we send them the quote email, so they can open the URL and accept it.


The admin quote URL:*Quote ID we can see in Zapier*

The client facing quote URL:**Quote hash that doesnt seem to appear in Zapier**/Quote


Does that make sense?



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Yes, it does, however, I don’t see any way it can be done since Xero api doesn’t send the quote URL along with the other information. However, one possible workaround I can think of is that, first you can send the quote to yourself and use an email parser (zapier mail perser) to take out the quote URL from the email.


Here’s what available in the Xero API:

Hi Rob,

No worries. Looks like there’s a gap in accessing the client facing Quote URL without sending the email, and even if we do send the email internally it doesnt feed out cleanly to the API.

I’ll keep your workaround in mind and see if it fits our process, but we were hoping it would be a field in the API/Zapier which would solve the problem immediately.

Thanks for the help!