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I’m having an issue where all of my zaps are triggering when an event is rescheduled through Calendly. I need a filter where it prevents a zap from running when the event is rescheduled vs. a new event. The issue is that the data I’m getting from rescheduled events shows “Invitee Rescheduled FALSE” even though it is rescheduled (possibly because I was the one to reschedule?). Is there another other flag to use or has anyone figured how to handle this yet?  

Any suggestions would great. Thanks!

Hi @HomeCloud 

I believe in the data payload from Calendly there will be a data point that indicates the previous event ID/URL that you can use in the Filter step.


Make take some testing of different use cases to get the data point to appears to then select in the Filter conditions.



Do you think filtering for when this is blank will work? Newly scheduled event is blank, the rescheduled one had a url. 

Rescheduled Event
Newly Scheduled Event



You can filter for a variable value as “Exists” or “Does not exist”.

Filter help:


When in doubt, test it out.