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Reschedule appointment in Acuity

  • 13 October 2020
  • 2 replies


I am using zapier to integrate with monday. When an appointment is reschedule via acuity i want that the new date and the time to be updated in monday.

With the reschedule possibility in zapier now is the update one specific appointment. How can i do an integration that is automatically looks which item it should update?

In zapier when i use the reschedule option in zapier , only the specific item /id in that workflow is being updated. No new one will be updated.


Hi @Marwin Martina,

What you want to do is possible but it requires some advanced Zapier setup. 

To change a specific value in you need to know the “board_id”, “item_id”, and “column_id” which can only be found using a Zapier code step.


The basics are:

  1. Trigger off of Acuity Reschedule
  2. Use a code step to search for the item_id and column_id
    1. You will need a term you can use for the search that is unique.  Something like email works well
  3. “Update Item Date Column Value” which takes the item_id and column_id form step 2 to insert the new date and time

Here is the basic code.  You will need to put in your own API_Key and boardId values and make sure you use an “email” column to store the persons email.


const API_KEY = "xxxxxxxx",
boardId = 0000000;

const sendRequest = async (payload) => {
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json",
authorization: API_KEY,

const results = await response.json();

return results;

const getItem = async () => {
const query = `
query {
items_by_column_values (board_id: ${boardId}, column_id: "email", column_value: "${}") {

const response = await sendRequest({

const results = response.datat'items_by_column_values']'0].id;

return results;

const response = await getItem();

output = {
id: response


Thank you