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I am attempting to assign a new value to a record based on the size of the company. I have a field in Airtable that does the same, the formula is the below:


IF(company_size_on_linkedin = BLANK(),"",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 11,"1-10",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 51,"11-50",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 201,"51-200",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 501,"201-500",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 1001,"501-1000",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 5001,"1001-5000",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin < 10001,"5001-10,000",

IF(company_size_on_linkedin > 10000,"10,000+")))))))))


Is it possible to do this in Zapier with one step?


Hi @Brian Moran, welcome to the Community! 

What app are you wanting to use the formula in? I noticed you tagged the Formatter app in your question here. Is it that you’re wanting to use this kind of formula in a Formatter action? 

If so, the Formatter (Numbers > Spreadsheet-style formula) action could be used but the formula would need to be in the following format: 

IF(condition1, value_if_true1, IF(condition2, value_if_true2, IF(condition3, value_if_true3, value_if_false)))

So your formula would need to be added as:

IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 11, "1-10", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 51, "11-50", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 201, "51-200", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 501, "201-500", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 1001, "501-1000", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 5001, "1001-5000", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} < 10001, "5001-10,000", IF({{company_size_on_linkedin}} > 10000, "10,000+", ""))))))))

I just tested that in a Zap and it works:

Hope that helps. If I’ve misunderstood or you run into any issues in trying that approach just let us know! 🙂