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Is there a way to rename a file in Box? My use case is an external system is triggering an event where I want to copy a file from a templates folder to another folder in Box, ideally with a name derived from the triggering event. However, the copy event in Box does not give me the option to rename it, so if multiple triggers happen before I can manually rename the item, the Zap fails as the file already exists with that name.

Hi @mwhitcher 

Try using the Box Upload File option instead to create a copy of the existing file into a new location.


Hi @Troy Tessalone - I’ve tried that. In testing the flow, the Find File from Box task finds the right item, but the file field doesn’t have any data, so I have nothing to upload and it fails on testing:



What is your Box action in Step 4?

Try doing a Box Find File step.


Mapped variable should look like this:


@Troy Tessalone That’s what I am using. It successfully finds the right file too...just the File field has no data. I didn’t see another field that has the right data either.


Can you post screenshots with how your Zap step 4 is configured along with the output returned?

@Troy Tessalone 



But when I go to the next step, File has no data


Try using the download_url value:


@Troy Tessalone Unfortunately, that isn’t working either. I was able to get it to work by storing the source file in a different location (e.g., OneDrive). That find file method did pull back the actual file data.