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Regfox to Swapcard integration

  • 16 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi there, I’m new to doing integrations and I’m trying to send event participants’ data from Regfox to Swapcard.

I managed to link the two applications with API and have tried to build two steps :

1. New Person in Swapcard Organizer (2.0.9)
2. Create Person in Swapcard Organizer
But I am getting stuck in this second step because I am not sure which fields to choose under the sections App & Event and Action.
Under App & Event:
I don’t know if I should select: Create person or Update person
I can only test with one registrant (myself), it’s the only option I get in step 1, but since the Zap seems to have sent my information once to Swapcard, I can’t test further changes with the “Create person” option. I get an error message saying that a person has already been created with the same ID.

So I selected Update person.

And then Under Action:
I’m not sure what to choose for :
- Clientid: several options appear: ID, User Id, Client Ids
- Force update: true or false
Some information seems to be getting sent to Swapcard since I now appear as a participant , and it has listed many internal and external IDs (see screenshot).

I’m doing all this quite blindly so if anyone can guide me on what I should or shouldn’t be doing, I would be incredibly grateful!


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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @OrianeB 

Try this Zap action step configuration:

  • Action: Swapcard - Find Person
    • Check the checkbox to Create Person if not found


Hi Troy, thanks for replying.

I tried the action step you suggested but got stuck immediately afterwards in the following Actions part.

I have to select fields but don’t know which ones to choose:

Under Search fields the options are: emails, userids, clientids, eventpeopleids

I tried using emails and then linking to Search value: email (it retrieve the email  that I used when registering as an event pariticpant) and all the remaining required fields, but I couldn’t Continue to the next page, it kept saying that some required fields had to be filled out.


This is probably super obvious to people who know a bit about integrations but this is not intuitive to me at all… Any good basic tutorials on the logic that applies to this sort of thing?

Otherwise I will surrender and just add people manually to Swapcard haha.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Any good basic tutorials on the logic that applies to this sort of thing?

Help articles for getting started with Zapier:


Check the field descriptions for guidance about the expected values.


Thank you Troy, I’ll check it out.