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I pull a customers custom metafields from Shopify. I created a Custom Action to do this. It is working well. The issue is the output. It is a table format, rather than arrays (I think this is the correct term).


This is a sample of the returned values:

Metafields Key mp_team, notion_id, mp_subteam

Metafields Type single_line_text_field, single_line_text_field, list.single_line_text_field

Metafields Value Animal, 7428e789-ca33-45a9-b5aa-, a"Humanitarian","Animal","Education]

How do I reformat it so I can use it:

I’d like:
mp_team - Animal
Notion ID - 7428e789-ca33-45a9-b5aa-

mp-subteam - b"Humanitarian","Animal","Education]

Hi @medicalpantry 

What is your question?

Post screenshots of the DATA OUT from Shopify that you are trying to use so we can see the data structure.
