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Receive an alert when a event is not booked using Calendly, Gmail and Google Agenda

  • 8 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi everybody,

I'm using Calendly and Gmail to send event invitations to my contacts, and Google Agenda to manage my meetings.

I send a lot of Calendly invitations and I would like to be alerted when somebody does not book an event after having received such a invitation. For example, I would like to receive an alert maybe one week after sending my invitation.

I thought I could do it using a Google Spreadsheet :

I’ve done a first Zap that ads a row in a Google Spreadsheet each time I send a Calendly invitation to a contact using Gmail. It works fine :)

Now, I would like to do a second Zap that would delete the right row in the spreadsheet each time an event is added to my Google Agenda with a contact email that is already in my spreasheet. So my spreadsheet will only have email adresses that did not answer to my Calendly invitations.

I’ve tried to do such a Zap using the “New Event in Google Calendar” condition, but I don’t understand how I could get the contact’s email adress and then delete the right spreadsheet row :thinking:

Please could somebody help me doing this ? Or maybe there’s an easier solution to solve my need using Zapier ?

Thanks for your help !


Best answer by Troy Tessalone 8 October 2020, 22:43

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Action: GSheet - Lookup Row

Userlevel 1

Oky Troy, I’ll check this. Thanks a lot :)