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Good afternoon.
I need to set up a zap to find certain words only among the people I follow on Twitter. How can I do it?. Thanks

Hi @gafapasta 

Check out the available Twitter Zap app triggers:

Try this Twitter Zap trigger:


But the problem is that all the tweets with the word tennis appear from people I don't follow. I only need the tweets that contain the word tennis only from the people I follow. I attach images. Thank you.


Try adding a Filter as step 2 in the Zap:

Hey @gafapasta (and for anyone following along)! I think you can get to your desired outcome in a somewhat automated way. The best thing to do is going to manually add everyone you follow to a Twitter list. There isn’t a way to Trigger off of every time you follow someone new so this is going to be an ongoing manual process. Then, you can set up this Zap:

  • Trigger: Twitter “Tweet in List”
  • Action: Filter (to only continue if the tweet contains “tennis”)
  • Action: (whichever app you’d like to send the data to)

Hope that helps!